When he’s not smashing it up on the drums with his band New England, one will find Hirsh producing, engineering and mixing at one of his studios in Boston. In the mid 2K’s Hirsh took a break from his productions, wrote, recorded and released his “Wasteland For Broken Hearts” CD. The album was released worldwide and was met with much critical acclaim.
Hirsh is back now with his second solo release “My Brain Needs A Holiday”. We asked Hirsh for a quick comment, “as you can tell from the title track I wanted this album to be fun but also rock a bit harder than my first release. I’m so honored to have as many guest artists on the album as well...their performances really blew me away!!!”
Hirsh’s songwriting and productions are quite varied. Performances like “Do Me Do” are raw, to the bone rockers! He quickly does an about face with the beautiful ballad “Diamond Moon”. “Git It Back”, featuring the amazing artistry of Bumblefoot rips you head off with Hirsh sound-designing an outrageous drum track and then another about face with a gorgeous rendition of “Whiter Shade Of Pale”.